Going Out With A Bang

January 11, 2022

We ended 2021 with a Bang! A virtual, devil-stompin’- MicDrop… if you will! Would you believe that over 9,000 people were pulled from the gates of Hell in just two days?


As we entered new territory in Tanzania, near Lake Vitoria, we linked up with a pastor who is new to the Wifi Jesus Network. He came highly recommended to us; however, as with most new things, we didn’t really know what to expect. One thing we did anticipate was that the Lord was going to move mightily among our African brothers and sisters in Mwanza, and man, oh man…did He ever!!!

We sent a team over from Uganda to help with this initial crusade and to introduce Tanzania to what Wifi Jesus is all about. After the event, we recall reading a letter from the local pastor that said,

“I was asking myself, how is Pastor Craig going to see all the people that have come, and how will all the people see him? But the team from Uganda brought technology that thousands had never seen before. People were seeing Pastor Craig preach to them from America on the screen while the Holy Spirit was covering the whole ground! Oh, my God, this was powerful!”

As you can see, Wifi Jesus was able to use technology to introduce the gospel to a new region that had only ever seen “one Jesus movie” before. God is definitely doing a new thing here.

The response to the crusade was so great that our team scrambled to add an additional day to the event. There is no way we could refuse the latecomers the ability to witness the power of the Holy Spirit upon this land. When we serve a God who moves without relative time constraints, we must bend with His guidance. Because of this obedience, we can confidently report that we were able to see 13 churches planted in this region as a direct result. 


Just to give you some context of what is going on outside of the western world, we want to share some reports that we received regarding the suffering that is endured in central and eastern Africa. Not only do most have low levels of self-esteem due to the lack of education, but they have also never in their lifetime had someone tell them that they can do something EXTRAORDINARY! They are trapped in bondage as working slaves that are required to pay off a family debt, cursed by the very witch doctors who promise restoration, then are left with no hope for their future. The witch doctors are so prominent that many people will not dare open a business or leave their house for fear of what type of curses may be placed upon them.

This is the type of bondage that the Lord has sent WifiJesus to eradicate. The message of hope for a future, freedom from oppression, and a life of extraordinary abundance in Christ.


During this final crusade of 2021, close to 17,000 people attended, with nearly 9,300 giving their lives to Jesus! There were devils fleeing and miraculous healing among the crowd that cannot be rightly expressed in words.


Since there is no way that we can emulate their passion on paper, we pray that you will sense it by hearing the account of these testimonies that were recorded by the pastors on the grounds.


“A young man from Sengerema District was lifted onto the bus to come to the crusade. This man could not walk, and he said he was unable to see Pastor Craig preach because he was obstructed by a large crowd that was standing in front of him. He started to cry and to pray to God to heal him, and as Pastor Craig prayed, he closed his eyes and raised his arms. At the end of the prayer, he could not tell how, but he came to stand on his two feet. Everyone was amazed looking at him stand and walk.”


Another lady told us that a witch put a stinking spell on her body when she had gone to the shrine to seek a child. After she had spent five years in marriage without a child, the witch said the only medicine was to lay with the witch so her body could be healed. Once she rejected his advancements, the witch doctor put a spell on her body, and she immediately started to smell. She could not be in public, and no one wanted her beside them. She could even smell the stench for herself. Her husband divorced her and chased her out of the house. This sickness had made her miserable and cost her rejection from her husband, friends, and relatives. She came to the crusade just as the woman with an issue of blood (See Matthew 9:20-22). She was set free on the second day by the power of the Holy Spirit!


“Alice is a 58-year-old grandmother of twenty-one grandkids. She walked for two days after hearing the news that Christ would be in Mwanza. She did not have any money for transport but was hungry for the gospel. She walked for 90-kilometers to reach the grounds. When she finally arrived, her legs were swollen, and she could not stand anymore. She arrived just when the first day of the crusade was completed. She was seen crying and grieved that she missed the message and receiving Christ. She was among the people that spent the night at the crusade grounds praying under the rain. The second day was her miracle day! When Pastor Craig called upon the Holy Spirit, she felt a gust of wind blow her to the ground, and she found herself rolling on the floor. Her legs were healed! She also realized that the shrine she had in her compound was keeping her in bondage. She gave her life to Christ and decided, in a very loud voice looking up to heaven, that she would burn the shrine and never get involved with witchcraft again.

Many more testimonies were shared because of this December crusade, but we wanted to share the three that most stood out to us.  


As you read this article, we are well down the road with more crusades that target the 10/40 window. (Don’t know what that is? …Stick around, and I’m certain to blog about it for you soon!)

As we type this report, we are also organizing information for our next crusade in two days’ time. The Lord has sent us back to Tanzania to strengthen the pastors and create a stronghold within this region. Twenty more church plants are on the horizon.

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